Your Generosity Makes So Much Possible

Inside view of churchCongregations are at the heart of answering God’s call for the Church to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our communities. It is through worship and advocacy, caregiving, and service that people experience the Good News in their daily lives. Local churches bring people together to connect with God and each other, then go out into the world and transform lives.

For nearly 140 years, Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) has been a trusted partner for church leaders as they make faithful decisions about how church buildings can best facilitate ministry. DCEF offers services to Disciples congregations to help them discern the best path forward, and to make a plan to resource that path and empower transformational ministry.

Over the years, National City Christian Church, Washington, D.C., has turned to DCEF to guide them through capital campaigns to repair and restore their historical building. They also looked to DCEF for help with an energy audit as they explored ways to make their building more energy efficient. With a DCEF Green Loan, National City was able to replace more than 800 fluorescent light fixtures with energy-efficient LED lights. This simple change resulted in annual energy savings of approximately $26,000! With DCEF’s help, they were able to realign their money from building to mission.

Your donations help provide DCEF services to congregations at greatly reduced costs. Because of you, Disciples can count on DCEF as they make faithful decisions to adapt, innovate, and transform their ministries for this place and time.

Contact us at 1.800.274.1883 or to learn more.