Ministry Continues!

Portland wagons in the church courtyard

Portland wagons in the church courtyard

When the COVID-19 pandemic changed our world, congregations quickly pivoted to respond to emerging needs with intentionality and innovation. Sunday services went virtual, food pantries operated with social distancing, and ministry continues. Disciples all over North America dug deep to find the fortitude to endure these strange times – and not just endure, but continue to practice life-changing mission and ministry.

Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) acted quickly too. DCEF announced an automatic loan payment deferral program that helped more than 250 Disciples congregations reallocate their funds away from loan payments (often a church’s largest monthly expense) and toward more pressing needs of dealing with the pandemic. DCEF also helped more than 50 churches apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. DCEF was able to translate our expertise in financing and banking to assist congregations where they needed specialized help.

The generosity of donors like you allowed us to make fast decisions and respond to churches’ changing needs. In-person consultations and trainings went virtual. Webinars and blogs offered best practices to address relevant challenges like technology upgrades for streaming worship and issues of the day like how to confront racism in your faith community. Churches received assistance when their buildings were damaged by severe storms and fires. DCEF was ready to help congregations navigate the unprecedented waters of 2020 because of donors’ faithful support.  Your practices of generosity inspire and affirm what comes next in the communities where ministry continues. We know that upheaval, disaster, and even death do not have the final word.